By Sonam Faisal on September 11, 2024
4 minute read

Generation Z, or Gen Z, is rapidly becoming a significant presence in the workforce. Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, this generation is unique, bringing fresh perspectives and expectations to the workplace.

As an internal communications professional, understanding who Gen Z is and what they value can help you create strategies that resonate with this influential group. Let's dive into what makes Gen Z tick and how you can engage them effectively. 

Who is Gen Z? 

Gen Z is different from older generations like Millennials and Gen X. They are digital natives, meaning they have always had access to technology like smartphones and the internet. This makes them more comfortable with technology and quick to adapt to new digital tools. According to Pew Research, 77% of Gen Z cares deeply about the environment, and 69% are concerned about racial equality. They care about social issues, are practical with money, and value honesty and transparency. 

Gen Z’s Values and Work Expectations  

Gen Z’s are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want jobs that offer purpose, meaning, and balance. A study by Robert Half found that 75% of Gen Z employees see work-life balance as their top priority. They want to work for companies that support their mental health and well-being. They also care about inclusivity and want to work in environments where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. If a company doesn’t align with these values, Gen Z employees may look for work elsewhere.  

Tech-Savvy and Digital Natives 

Being born in the digital age means Gen Z’s are very comfortable with technology. They are comfortable communicating through text, social media, and apps. A report by IBM shows that 74% of Gen Z’s prefer to communicate digitally rather than face-to-face. Long emails and traditional memos may not work well with them. Instead, they prefer short, quick messages that get straight to the point. Organizations can engage them by using mobile apps, short videos, and interactive tools like polls and quizzes. 

The Need for Career Development and Growth 

Gen Z is highly motivated by opportunities to learn and grow. They don’t just want a job—they want a career with clear paths for advancement. A LinkedIn survey found that 76% of Gen Z employees believe that learning is the key to a successful career, and 59% actively look for new learning opportunities. They want employers to invest in their development through training programs, mentorship, and clear communication about career paths. Providing these opportunities can help attract and retain Gen Z talent. 

Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords for Gen Z—they are essential. They expect their workplace to reflect the diverse world they live in. A Deloitte study found that 83% of Gen Z considers a company’s commitment to DEI when deciding where to work. This generation wants to work in environments where all people are valued, regardless of their background. Internal communications should highlight your company’s DEI efforts and ensure that these values are visible in everyday work life. 

Communication Style Preferences  

When it comes to communication, Gen Z prefers it fast, clear, and engaging. They are used to platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, where content is short, visual, and to the point. A study by The Center for Generational Kinetics found that 60% of Gen Z prefers to communicate through visuals like videos and infographics rather than long text. To connect with them, internal communication should use visual storytelling, short-form content, and interactive elements that make communication more engaging.  

Feedback-Driven and Collaborative 

Gen Z thrives on regular feedback and recognition. They want to know how they’re doing and feel appreciated for their work. A Gallup survey found that 60% of Gen Z employees want frequent feedback from their managers, compared to just 40% of Millennials. Creating a workplace culture where feedback is given regularly, and recognition is common can help keep Gen Z engaged and motivated. Additionally, providing opportunities for collaboration and letting them share their ideas can make them feel more connected to the company. 

Bridging Feedback Culture with Effective Communication Tools 

To create a strong connection between a feedback-driven culture and the tools that facilitate it, it's essential to recognize how communication technology plays a crucial role. Gen Z’s demand for regular feedback and collaboration requires platforms that deliver these interactions seamlessly and efficiently. The right tools can support this need by enabling real-time feedback loops, building collaboration through interactive features, and ensuring that recognition is both timely and meaningful. By integrating effective communication tools into your workplace, you can create a culture of continuous feedback and collaboration, meeting Gen Z’s expectations while boosting overall engagement and satisfaction. 

Sparrow Connected: Your All-in-One IC Solution 

Sparrow Connected is more than just a communication platform; it’s a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the evolving needs of today’s diverse workforce. We understand the challenges that internal communication professionals face, especially when it comes to engaging Gen Z employees. Our platform is equipped with advanced AI-driven features, intuitive mobile-friendly designs, and customizable communication channels that address every aspect of effective internal communication. 

Whether it’s delivering real-time feedback, building collaboration, or ensuring that your DEI values are reflected in your messaging, Sparrow Connected provides the tools you need to connect with your team on every level. We’ve empowered organizations to transform their communication strategies, resulting in higher engagement, stronger employee satisfaction, and a more inclusive workplace culture. Our commitment to continuous innovation ensures that Sparrow Connected remains at the forefront of internal communications, ready to help you overcome any challenge. 

Empower Your Workforce with Strategic Leadership 

Understanding Gen Z’s values, tech-savviness, and desire for growth is key to creating effective communication strategies. By aligning your internal communications with their preferences, you can build a more engaging and inclusive workplace that resonates with all generations. Sparrow Connected offers strategic solutions you need to connect with Gen Z and beyond, helping you foster a thriving, dynamic work environment. 

Take the first step towards transforming your leadership and communication strategies. Book a Free Coaching Session now to discover how Sparrow Connected can equip you with the insights and tools to become a strategic leader who drives real change and empowers your entire workforce. 


What’s Next? 

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BLOG POST TAGS: communicating with gen z Internal communications employee engagement digital communications General

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