By Julie Ford on October 09, 2023
2 minute read

Understanding how to write concisely and clearly might just be the most powerful tool in your corporate communications kit. When your messaging is succinct, relevant, and easy to digest, you create an environment where context, transparency, and action exist in unison. How can you build this skill and why is it essential, especially for business leaders and decision-makers? Let's explore. 

The Audience is Your North Star 

Before you put pen to paper, always consider your audience - the real people on the receiving end of your communication. What are they looking for? What do they need to know? As a company leader, you have a plethora of information. However, your team doesn't need to know everything. They're interested in how aspects of the business impact them and what they should do about it. Focusing on the relevancy of your content to the audience is the first step to concise writing. It helps eliminate the clutter and keeps your message laser-focused on the crucial elements. 

Picking the Perfect Package 

Now that you've got the 'what', it's time to think about the 'how'. The format of your content plays a key role in how it is received. A long, verbose email might not have the same positive effect as a bullet-pointed list or a brief announcement. Experiment with breaking up your information into smaller subsections, using infographics, or even sharing messages orally through video or in-person briefings. Striking the right balance between formality and informality breaks down walls and invites greater engagement. 

Blueprinting Your Message 

The key to crisp writing often lies in proper planning. An outline provides a kind of roadmap for your content, keeping you tethered to the key points and preventing you from straying into tangents. Start by jotting down the crucial points you need to share, then cluster related thoughts together. It might seem time-consuming at first, but this approach saves a lot of time during revision and guarantees a focused, relevant message. 

The Art of Ruthless Editing 

Now comes the most important element: refining your draft into its most potent form. This means reading. Then re-reading. Then checking again. Often, you'll come across phrases or sentences that don't really add value or significantly alter the reader's comprehension. These should not survive your ruthless cull. 

Take inspiration from the Purdue Writing Lab: 

  • Jettison words that explain the obvious or add excessive detail. 
  • Discard unnecessary determiners and modifiers ("similar in nature" can just be "similar") 
  • Abort redundant pairs ("final outcome" is simply "outcome") 

Re-reading and editing not only helps shorten your text but also improves its quality. It's a process to ensure that the final product is highly refined and ready for consumption. 

Concise and clear writing is not about dumbing down or oversimplifying your message. It's about respect, transparency, and acknowledging that people's time and brain space are precious commodities. In the fast-paced world of business where data is abundant, decision-makers and their teams often don't have the luxury of navigating lengthy or diffused messages. Instead, they need vital information distilled to its essence, combined with clear action points. That is the true power of concise writing. 

Practice these tips, try new approaches, and watch your communication transform into an engaging dialogue that drives action and understanding within your organization. Remember, at Sparrow Connected, we've got your back every step of the way. Chat with us today and let's enhance your internal communications together. 


What’s Next? 


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BLOG POST TAGS: Internal communications employee engagement leadership writing

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