By Julie Ford on May 21, 2024
2 minute read

In municipalities, where a significant portion of the workforce may be deskless or remote, creating an equitable and inclusive environment poses distinct challenges.

Unlike traditional office settings, municipal workers often include field agents, maintenance crews, and other mobile employees who might feel disconnected from the central hub of municipal operations. This blog explores strategies to ensure that these workers are not only recognized but also given equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to their community. 

Key Strategies 

1. Inclusive Policy Development 

Crafting policies that consider the unique needs and challenges of deskless workers is crucial. These policies should ensure equitable access to resources, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth, similar to those available to office-based staff. This might include equal access to training, health benefits, and advancement opportunities. Ensuring that these policies are transparent and well-communicated is essential for them to be effective.  

2. Visibility Efforts 

Increasing the visibility of deskless workers' contributions is vital for fostering a sense of inclusion. This can be achieved through internal newsletters, a dedicated section on the municipal intranet, or regular feature stories in staff meetings that highlight the achievements and daily challenges faced by deskless staff. Such initiatives not only acknowledge their hard work but also educate other parts of the organization about the valuable roles these employees play. 

3. Targeted Training and Development 

Providing training and development opportunities that are accessible remotely or on flexible schedules is key. Utilizing mobile-friendly learning management systems that offer courses in multiple languages can help ensure inclusivity. Additionally, developing mentorship programs that pair deskless workers with more experienced peers or supervisors can foster personal connections and career development.  

4. Equitable Technology Access 

Ensure that all workers, regardless of their location, have access to the technology needed to perform their jobs effectively. This includes mobile devices, apps, and software that enable them to stay connected with the central office, access work-related information, and participate in virtual meetings and training sessions.  

5. Regular Feedback and Engagement Surveys 

Conduct regular employee surveys specifically designed to capture the opinions and concerns of deskless workers. Use this feedback to adjust policies and practices to better meet their needs. Engaging this segment of the workforce in decision-making not only improves their job satisfaction but also leads to more informed and effective policies.  

6. Community Building Activities 

Organize events that are accessible to all employees, including those who are usually out in the field. This could include family-friendly community events, sports days, or volunteer activities that help build bonds among all municipal employees. Ensuring these activities are scheduled during times when deskless workers can participate is critical. 

Ensuring equity and inclusion in municipalities requires a multifaceted approach tailored to the unique circumstances of deskless workers. By implementing thoughtful policies, increasing visibility, providing targeted training, and ensuring technology access, municipalities can create a more inclusive environment that values every employee's contribution.  


Book a 30 minute consultation with our team to learn how to create an inclusive municipal workforce culture.  


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BLOG POST TAGS: Internal communications employee engagement municipalities

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