By Sonam Faisal on October 21, 2024
5 minute read

A smooth and well-planned employee onboarding experience is important for setting the foundation for a new hire’s success.

One of the key elements driving that success is internal communications (IC). From the first interaction with a new employee to their integration into company culture, effective communication helps create a seamless onboarding journey. Research shows that a strong onboarding program improves employee retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. Let’s dive into how IC shapes this experience from start to finish. 

1. Pre-Boarding: Setting the Stage before Day One

Pre-boarding is the period between a job offer acceptance and an employee’s first day. It’s a phase that’s often overlooked, yet it’s crucial for creating a smooth start. 

Why Pre-Boarding Matters  

Communicating before Day One helps new employees feel prepared and reduces first-day anxiety. According to a Glassdoor study, organizations with a structured pre-boarding process see a 58% increase in new hire retention. 

Tools and Channels  

Companies can leverage internal communications tools like welcome emails, introduction videos, and employee portals to provide insight into the company culture. These platforms allow employees to familiarize themselves with expectations, policies, and team dynamics ahead of time. 

Providing Resources in Advance  

Using IC, companies can send out essential paperwork, FAQs, or training schedules. This step helps reduce the amount of information shared on Day One, making the onboarding process less overwhelming. 

2. First Day Experience: Making New Hires Feel Welcome

Day One is pivotal for new employees as it sets the tone for their experience. 

Creating a Welcoming Environment

Internal communications are essential in shaping a welcoming and informed atmosphere on a new hire's first day. A well-crafted welcome message from leadership or a personalized introduction from the team can make new employees feel valued. 

Effective First-Day Communication

Use internal comms to introduce new hires to their colleagues and share key tools they’ll use in their roles. For instance, team introductions via an internal chat group or a welcome video can create a sense of connection right away. 

Personalized Messaging

Tailoring communication to each employee is key to making them feel recognized as individuals. Personalized onboarding emails that acknowledge their unique role and contributions can significantly enhance their experience. 

3. Clear and Consistent Communication during the First Week

The first week can be overwhelming with all the new information, making effective communication crucial to avoid overload. 

Preventing Information Overload

Internal communications should be strategic in how much information is shared with new hires. Instead of bombarding them with everything at once, IC can structure a timeline for delivering critical information throughout the first week. Internal communications can structure key messages to new hires based on their roles, ensuring they receive vital information in a thoughtful, an organized manner. For office employees, examples could include: 

  • "Your internal platform login is ready—explore resources and tools anytime." 
  • "Check out our meeting guide to ensure smooth participation in your first team huddle." 
  • "Personalize your wellness options through our employee benefits portal." 

For deskless employees in any industry, examples might look like: 

  • "Your team lead will walk you through safety protocols and shift details today." 
  • "Here’s a quick tutorial on using the mobile time-tracking app for seamless clock-ins." 
  • "Stay in the loop with real-time notifications for any schedule updates." 

These concise, role-specific messages help new hires absorb essential information without feeling overwhelmed. 

Ongoing Support  

Support doesn’t stop on Day One. IC tools like employee apps or intranets can facilitate regular check-ins with managers, set up feedback channels, and introduce buddy systems to make the transition smoother. This ongoing support helps new hires feel connected and heard. 

Leveraging Multi-Channel/Omni-Channel Communication

Leveraging  omni-channel communication ensures new hires can access the right resources when needed, whether through emails, internal chat platforms, or employee portals. This approach caters to various learning styles, making the onboarding process more inclusive and efficient. For example, studies show that companies using omni-channel communication experience a 23% increase in employee engagement during the onboarding phase compared to those relying on a single channel. By diversifying how information is shared, new hires can absorb critical content in ways that resonate best with them, leading to better retention and smoother integration. 

4. Integration into Company Culture and Values

Onboarding isn’t just about learning the job; it’s about integrating into the company’s culture. 

Building Cultural Alignment

Internal communications play a vital role in helping new hires understand and embrace the company’s culture. Leadership communications, newsletters, and town hall meetings are excellent opportunities to convey core values. 

Communicating Core Values

Reinforcing company values through IC tools helps embed them into daily workflows. Regular training sessions, company-wide emails, and leadership videos are all effective ways to communicate what your organization stands for. 

Employee Stories and Testimonials  

Sharing employee stories through internal comms creates a sense of community. Testimonials from current employees help new hires relate to the team and envision their own success within the company.  

5. Measuring the Impact of Internal Communications on Onboarding

Surveys and Feedback

Collecting feedback is essential to gauge the effectiveness of your onboarding process. By using pulse surveys or onboarding feedback forms, internal communications can track how well new hires are adjusting and identify areas for improvement. 

Tracking Onboarding Milestones

IC tools can celebrate important onboarding milestones, such as the completion of the first month or key training sessions. Celebrating these milestones through internal channels motivates new hires and builds a sense of accomplishment. 

The Ultimate Omni-Channel Solution for Seamless Employee Onboarding 

Sparrow Connected tackles every onboarding challenge with its powerful Omni-Channel internal communications platform, ensuring new hires feel supported, informed, and engaged from Day One. 

1. Pre-Boarding Made Seamless

Through automated email campaigns and a centralized employee portal, Sparrow Connected delivers essential documents, schedules, and welcome materials across multiple channels—email, mobile apps, and intranet—before new hires even start. This Omni-Channel approach ensures employees are well-prepared and less anxious on Day One.  

2. Personalized Day One Experience

Leverage Sparrow Connected’s Omni-Channel communication tools to create a personalized onboarding experience. Use tailored messages, orientation videos, and team introductions across platforms, ensuring every new hire feels connected and valued, no matter where they engage—from desktop to mobile. 

3. Continuous Support through Multiple Channels

Avoid information overload with Sparrow Connected’s scheduled multi-phase communications delivered through the platform of your choice. The Omni-Channel approach ensures consistent support via email, employee apps, or the intranet, enabling regular check-ins, feedback loops, and buddy systems that provide continuous guidance. 

4. Cultural Alignment Through Omni-Channel Engagement

Promote cultural integration by using leadership video messages, employee testimonials, and internal newsletters, all distributed across your Omni-Channel ecosystem. Research shows that 72% of employees feel more engaged when they receive consistent communication from leadership. By distributing these messages through mobile apps, email, or intranet, you create multiple touchpoints for engagement. Sparrow Connected ensures new hires quickly align with your company’s values and culture, and companies using Omni-Channel communication strategies report a 25% improvement in employee retention during the first year. This approach makes onboarding more effective and lasting.  

5. Measuring Onboarding Success Omni-Channel Style

Track progress and gather feedback with integrated surveys and milestone tracking delivered via Sparrow Connected’s Omni-Channel capabilities. Celebrate key achievements like successful training completion and maintain engagement by reaching employees where they are, using their preferred communication channels. 

Sparrow Connected's Internal Communications Omni-Channel features, including multi-platform communication, automated workflows, and integrated feedback tools, provide a seamless onboarding experience that drives employee engagement and retention. By reaching employees through the right channels, at the right time, Sparrow Connected ensures long-term success for both new hires and your organization.  

Take Away: 

A strong internal communications strategy is crucial for creating a seamless and engaging onboarding experience. By leveraging IC at every step of the journey—from pre-boarding to long-term cultural integration—companies can set new hires up for success. With a well-structured onboarding experience backed by effective communication, organizations can boost employee satisfaction, retention, and performance. Looking for a platform to help you shape your onboarding? Look no further—book a free IC Coaching Session today and see how internal communications can transform your process. 


What’s Next? 

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Internal Comms Connect (ICON) is a new Sparrow Connected free resource for pros like you. Join our internal comms experts as they share their experiences, success stories, and even failures, within the industry. Get insights and pointers anytime, anywhere.

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BLOG POST TAGS: Internal communications employee engagement General company culture HR Strategies Seamless Onboarding

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