By Sonam Faisal on July 30, 2024
5 minute read

Successful organizations believe in the power of employee influencers and invest in their people, contributing to high levels of employee morale.

Let's explore why employee morale is so important, how to measure it, and steps you can take to improve it in your organization. 

What is Employee Morale and Why is it Important? 

Employee morale is the attitude or outlook that people have about their work and place of employment. It's more than just how an employee feels about their job; it’s about their approach to daily tasks, investment in the company’s mission and values, and overall attitude towards the company's direction. 

Employee morale is critical because it directly impacts employee engagement, job satisfaction, retention, and productivity. Organizations with high employee morale typically have healthy cultures, engaged employees, and strong employer brands. Conversely, those with low morale struggle with negative reputations and disengaged staff. 

In the airline industry, where operations run around the clock and employees often face high-stress situations, maintaining high employee morale is even more crucial. Effective internal communication plays a significant role in boosting employee morale, as it ensures that everyone is informed, engaged, and aligned with the company’s goals. 

How Can You Measure Employee Morale? 

To understand and improve employee morale, it’s essential to measure it accurately. Here are some effective methods, along with statistics that highlight their importance and relation to employee engagement and internal communications: 

1. Conduct an Employee Morale Survey

Sending out an employee engagement survey can gather valuable insights into how employees feel about their work, benefits, and company culture. Including specific questions ensures a comprehensive understanding of morale: 

  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate employee morale at the company? 
  • How do you perceive morale at the company? 
  • Do you get recognition for your work? 
  • What is your relationship with your manager like? 
  • Do you feel that leadership cares about you as a person? 
  • How satisfied are you with your compensation and benefits? 

According to a study by Gallup, companies with engaged employees outperform those without by 202%. Regular surveys can boost engagement by providing employees with a platform to voice their opinions and feel heard. 

2. Conduct Employee Interviews

Directly asking employees about their morale can yield deep insights. Ensuring a culture of psychological safety is crucial so employees feel comfortable providing honest feedback. 

Research by Harvard Business Review found that employees who feel safe at work are 47% more likely to be highly engaged. Open communication channels foster trust and improve morale. 

3. Assess Engagement Levels in Your Employee Influencer Program

If you have a social-sharing or employee advocacy solution, analyzing participation and engagement levels can provide insights into how happy and engaged your workers are. A dedicated internal communication platform can help track these metrics. 

Companies with high employee engagement see a 41% reduction in absenteeism and a 17% increase in productivity. Effective internal communication tools play a significant role in maintaining high engagement levels. 

4. Observe Employees

Training managers to recognize signs of low morale, such as negative attitudes, missed deadlines, poor work quality, and an increase in gossip, is essential. Even in remote settings, managers can gauge employee attitudes during virtual meetings. 

According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), companies that actively manage their culture enjoy 4 times higher revenue growth. Observing and addressing morale issues promptly can lead to a healthier work environment and improved performance. 

5. Analyze Available Data

Reviewing employee performance data, training participation records, absenteeism, and other relevant data can help identify trends related to morale. 

A study by McKinsey found that organizations with a strong learning culture have 30-50% higher engagement and retention rates. Data-driven insights can guide initiatives to enhance morale and engagement. 

Effective Strategies to Boost Employee Morale 

Once you’ve measured employee morale, it's crucial to take proactive steps to improve it. Boosting employee morale not only enhances individual performance but also positively impacts overall employee engagement and internal communications. Here are some effective strategies: 

1. Live the Company Mission 

75% of employees believe that well-defined goals and values cultivate a positive work culture, but only 23% say they can apply their organization’s values to their daily work. Bridging this gap involves integrating company values into all aspects of the organization. 

When employees align with the company's mission, they feel a stronger connection to their work, boosting engagement. Here internal communications play a major role by reflecting and reinforce these values to help employees see their role in the bigger picture. 

2. Keep Employees Informed 

About 75% of employees say they miss out on important company news. Streamlining internal communications to keep everyone in the loop boosts morale and productivity by 20-25%. 

Effective communication ensures that employees are well-informed, reducing misunderstandings and fostering a sense of inclusion and transparency. Using a dedicated Internal Comms platform can ensure timely and comprehensive communication. 

3. Make Regular Feedback Part of Your Culture 

Employees need to feel heard. Implement regular feedback mechanisms and act on the input received. Workers who feel "heard" are 5x more likely to do their best work. 

Regular feedback loops empower employees, making them feel valued and understood. This practice enhances internal communications by promoting a culture of openness and continuous improvement. 

4. Provide Top-Notch Benefits 

Prioritize employee well-being with comprehensive benefits that go beyond basic health insurance. Engaged employees are more productive and loyal. 

According to a Glassdoor survey, 79% of employees prefer new or additional benefits over a pay increase. Offering robust benefits can significantly boost morale and retention. 

5. Strengthen Manager Relationships 

Train managers to build trust and respect with their teams. Engaged managers lead to engaged employees, creating a positive work environment. 

Managers play a crucial role in internal communications. Training them to communicate effectively and empathetically ensures that messages are conveyed clearly, and morale remains high. 

6. Offer Development Opportunities 

Support employees’ professional growth with training programs, coaching, and educational opportunities. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with the company. 

LinkedIn's Workplace Learning Report found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. Providing growth opportunities enhances engagement and morale. 

7. Include Employees in Advocacy Programs 

Invite employees to participate in social-sharing programs. This shows you value their voices and helps boost their morale and engagement. 

Employee advocacy programs amplify the company’s message and boost internal communications. When employees feel their opinions matter, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. 

8. Recognize and Reward Employees 

Regularly acknowledge employees’ hard work and contributions. Recognition boosts morale and encourages others to strive for excellence. 

According to Gallup, employees who do not feel adequately recognized are twice as likely to say they’ll quit in the next year. Recognition programs foster a positive culture and reinforce desired behaviors. 

9. Organize Team-Building Activities 

Foster connections among employees through team-building activities, both in-person and virtual, to build rapport and improve morale. 

Team-building activities strengthen interpersonal relationships and communication skills, which are essential for effective internal communications. These activities help break down silos and encourage collaboration. 

The Role of Internal Communications in Measuring and Improving Morale 

Effective internal communications are crucial in maintaining and boosting employee morale. By keeping employees informed, engaged, and connected, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters high morale. 

Companies with effective internal communications strategies are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their peers. Utilizing platforms like Sparrow Connected ensures timely and transparent communication, which is vital for sustaining high morale. 

A leading airline experienced a 30% increase in employee engagement after implementing the platform. This boost in engagement directly correlated with improved morale and productivity. 

Organization’s Top Choice for an Internal Comms Platform 

Organizations trust Sparrow Connected as a leading internal communications platform because of its comprehensive suite of solutions and features designed to enhance employee engagement and morale. From content newsletters, employee engagement surveys to social-sharing programs, Sparrow Connected provides effective strategies that streamline communication and foster a connected workplace. One of our clients, a major airline, saw a 300% increase in employee engagement within six months of implementing Sparrow Connected, highlighting the platform's effectiveness in boosting morale and productivity 

Accurately measuring and understanding employee morale is the first step toward improving it. By utilizing employee engagement surveys, interviews, engagement assessments, observations, and data analysis, organizations can gain valuable insights into their workforce's morale. 

Ready to Boost Employee Morale? Book a Free 30-Min IC Consultation today and discover how our solutions can help your organization thrive. 


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BLOG POST TAGS: Internal communications employee engagement Airlines

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