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Comms Strategy (10)

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The Difference between Multichannel and Omnichannel for Internal Comms

There’s little argument that every organization needs more than one channel in order to reach the majority, let alone all of, your workforce. Maybe you ha...

3 Trending Practices in Corporate Communications for 2021

To say that 2020 has been a crazy year for most of us is truly an understatement. As we enter its last quarter, we wanted to review three internal communi...

3 Things to Think About Before Picking a Mobile App for IC

Having a mobile app for your workforce can be a great way to extend your reach. However, if not properly considered, it can be one of your biggest regrets...

What is the potential reach of your comms channels?

We know not all corporate communications channels are created equal, but do they all reach their respective audiences equally? No, but how can we make tha...

7 Essential Questions to Ask When Picking a Corporate Communication Platform

In this article, we cover the basic questions you should ask yourself and ask your providers before deciding on a corporate communication platform that wi...

How to communicate with a multi-generational workforce?

“Sparrow has allowed us to communicate with multiple offices and the different generations that make up our workplace like never before,” Kyle, National L...

Alumni anyone? Expanding the Corporate Communications ecosystem

Over the years, I found there were two types of companies. Those that on my last day, we said our goodbyes, we shook hands (#OldDays), and I went forward ...

Do you really need ANOTHER corporate intranet?

Intranets have been around since 1994. Over a quarter of a century later, Intranets initial goals remain true today:

How we enable corporate comms in Microsoft Teams in one week – a guide

by Adam Zouak and Chris Izquierdo

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