Hi, I am Santiago Zapata, Senior Enterprise Account Executive at Sparrow Connected where I have the privilege of working with internal communications expe...
Hi, I am Santiago Zapata, Senior Enterprise Account Executive at Sparrow Connected where I have the privilege of working with internal communications expe...
In our second #WeLeadComms + Sparrow Connected webinar,Employee Engagement or Business Impact? It’s Time to Choose,weexplored why employee engagement is n...
Reachingdeskless/frontline employees is one of the main challenges in many industries, especially in environments like transportation, manufacturing, heal...
“Internal communication is there to solve business problems using communication solutions. And when you think about a business problem, you must start wit...
Co-Authored with Chris Izquierdo, CEO, Sparrow Connected Communication leaders have unprecedented choices when it comes to the technologies they can use t...
Recent developments in the remote and "hybrid" working worlds highlight the opportunity for communication professionals to provide structure and context t...
It is important for organizations to understand what experiences are crucial for their success, how the different experiences are correlated — and especia...
Focusing on the challenges faced by manufacturing particularly under cultural and political environments, we started a two-part series of Manufacturing Ch...
Communication is one of the fundamental elements of any organization, irrespective of industry.