By Sonam Faisal on July 30, 2024
4 minute read

More than 80% of the global workforce is deskless.

That's over 2.7 billion people working outside a traditional office setting, making effective communication tools essential. In the manufacturing industry, where most employees are deskless, the need for robust communication systems is even more critical. This guide is designed to help communication professionals keep their deskless employees connected and communicating, no matter where they are. We'll cover why communication is so important for deskless workers, the challenges they face, and how investing in effective communication tools can yield significant returns for your business. 

The ROI of Effective Deskless Communication 

Investing in effective communication tools and platforms for deskless workers is not just a cost but a strategic investment that yields significant returns. Let's explore the various ways effective deskless communication drives ROI. 

1. Reduces Turnover

In every organization, business leaders need to focus on employee retention. This is especially true for the deskless workforce, with 52% of frontline workers claiming they would leave their job over tech tools. Additionally, according to a survey of over 8,000 global frontline workers and C-suite executives, 45% of frontline workers planned to leave the frontline altogether this year. 

Most corporate communication tools are not designed for frontline engagement, leading to high turnover rates and low job satisfaction. Effective communication can improve job satisfaction by creating a sense of community and increasing transparency from leadership. This also helps reduce misunderstandings and conflicts among employees, leading to better retention rates. Reducing turnover saves on recruitment and training costs, directly impacting on the bottom line. 

2. Increases Profits

Better communication leads to better engagement. Indeed, reports that improved communication connects employees with each other and the organization, creating better engagement. This engagement positively impacts company profitability. Highly engaged organizations achieved a 23% increase in profitability and a 43% decrease in turnover. By driving employee engagement with impactful communication, you’re investing in the success of your deskless workforce and the long-term profitability of your business. 

3. Drives Employee Experience and Empowerment

Deskless workers often have limited access to traditional communication channels, such as email or company intranet. Providing alternative means of communication, such as mobile apps designed for the frontline, can improve the employee experience by giving them a voice and empowering them in their work environment. This allows for agile, on-the-go, two-way communication that deskless employees need in their fast-paced work environments. 

Better employee experience can also boost your bottom line. Harvard Business Review research shows that a shift in employee experience results in a 45% increase in profits per person-hour, adding significantly to individual, team, and overall company success. 

4. Increases Productivity and Organization

Effective organizational communication can increase productivity by reducing miscommunications and streamlining processes. It also allows for better frontline organization, as employees have access to important information and updates in real time. This helps deskless workers stay on top of their tasks and responsibilities, leading to more productive employees and a more organized frontline. 

5. Boosts Trust, Engagement, and Morale

A lack of communication can lead to a disengaged and distrusting workforce, as employees feel isolated and disconnected from the larger company culture. Research shows that nearly all (99%) of C-suite executives believe their frontline workers trust them, while only a quarter (26%) of workers entirely trust their organization to communicate company updates and news transparently. 

Clearly, it's important to understand how purposeful internal communications helps build a sense of community among deskless workers. By increasing transparency from leadership, you can drive long-term employee engagement. This can improve overall job satisfaction, minimize churn, and build trust with your workers. 

6. Improves Worker Safety

Proper communication can improve safety in the workplace. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), communication problems often lead to major accidents. Effective frontline communication includes informing deskless employees of important safety updates and providing a platform for reporting concerns or hazards. This leads to better quality work and decreases the likelihood of accidents or injuries on the job. 

The Challenges of Communicating with Deskless Workers 

While the benefits are great, communicating with deskless workers in the modern work environment can be challenging. Some key challenges include: 

  • Budget Constraints: Finding the right communication channels and tools can be costly. 
  • Outdated or Inaccessible Technology: Deskless workers may not have access to the same technology as office-based employees. 
  • Implementing New Software: Introducing new communication software requires training and support. 
  • Easy Access to Information: Deskless workers need easy access to essential information, which can be difficult without proper channels. 
  • Disconnected Workforce: With teams spread across various locations, it can be challenging to keep deskless workers engaged. 
  • Building a Sense of Community: Deskless workers may feel isolated without the same office community as traditional employees. 

How to Improve Communication with Deskless Workers 

Build a Digital Culture 

Leaders in the frontline sector must digitize their communication efforts with deskless employees. This involves developing digital strategies that enhance employee experience and drive performance. Embrace a digital culture driven from the ground up, investing in technology solutions and training for adoption. 

Listen to and Act on Feedback 

Gather and listen to feedback from deskless teams. Implement processes that make it easy for them to provide input on preferred channels and tools. Act on this feedback to improve communication strategies and ensure employees feel heard and valued. 

Provide Easy Access to Key Information 

Create a central hub for information and communication, ensuring deskless workers can access essential information easily. This includes company updates, product knowledge, HR policies, and more—all in one place and accessible on any device. 

Focus on Building a Sense of Belonging and Connection 

Regular check-ins, virtual team-building activities, and professional development opportunities can help deskless workers feel included and connected with their colleagues and the company. 

Keep Two-Way Communication Channels Open 

Ensure communication is a two-way street, allowing deskless workers to share ideas and feedback. Utilize tools that facilitate two-way communication, such as secure chats or collaboration platforms. 

Encourage Real Employee Recognition 

Implement recognition programs with virtual badges or shout-outs to help deskless workers feel seen and valued. Personalized thank-you notes or public recognition from leadership can significantly impact morale. 

The Role of Sparrow Connected 

Organizations trust Sparrow Connected as a leading internal communication platform because of its comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of deskless workers. Sparrow Connected offers mobile-first, intuitive solutions that support real-time communication, easy access to important information, and simple implementation and adoption. For example, one of our clients, a large manufacturing firm, saw a 40% increase in employee engagement and a significant reduction in turnover after implementing Sparrow Connected’s platform. 

Bottom Line: 

At Sparrow Connected, we understand the unique challenges of communicating with a deskless workforce. Our employee communication and engagement software offer a mobile-first, intuitive solution to support your deskless team and drive business value. By investing in effective communication tools, you can improve employee engagement, productivity, and overall business success. 

Book a Free 30-Min IC Consultation to learn how Sparrow Connected can help your organization bridge the communication gap, empower your deskless workforce, and realize a substantial ROI through improved internal communication.


What’s Next? 

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