Blog | Sparrow Connected

The Role of Deskless Managers in Enhancing Employee Engagement

Written by Sonam Faisal | Oct 15, 2024 8:57:03 AM

Deskless managers play a critical role in connecting internal communication (IC) teams with frontline employees.

According to research, 80% of the global workforce is desk-less, which means these managers are essential in delivering timely and clear information. However, a staggering 45% of deskless workers say they feel disconnected from their companies. This communication gap often leads to disengagement, reduced productivity, and higher turnover rates. Internal communication professionals must assess how effectively they communicate with desk-less managers to bridge this gap and improve overall employee engagement. 

1. The Role of Deskless Managers in Internal Comms

Desk-less managers are often the primary source of communication for desk-less employees, especially those in industries like retail, hospitality, manufacturing, and healthcare. They are responsible for relaying important messages, enforcing safety protocols, and ensuring employees stay informed and engaged with the company’s vision and objectives.  

However, they face unique challenges. According to a 2023 Workplace Study, 56% of desk-less managers' report that they do not receive critical information in a timely manner, which impacts their ability to keep frontline employees informed. The lack of consistent access to communication tools compounds these challenges, leading to missed messages or poorly communicated updates. 

Desk-less managers, when equipped with the right tools and strategies, can significantly enhance engagement among desk-less workers. In fact, companies that prioritize communication with these managers' report a 24% increase in employee productivity, as they can better align their teams with company goals.  

2. Evaluating Your Current Communication with Deskless Managers

Evaluating the effectiveness of communication with desk-less managers requires asking key questions: 

  • How frequently are you communicating with them? 
  • Is communication simple and easy to relay? 
  • Are deskless managers receiving information in real time? 

According to a Gallup survey, organizations with highly engaged teams achieved a 21% increase in profitability. However, poor communication flow can create gaps, leading to disengaged employees. Inconsistent or unclear messaging to deskless managers often results in confusion, leaving frontline employees feeling out of the loop. 

Assessing the current communication channels and frequency will help identify areas of improvement, ensuring that messages reach managers who, in turn, can communicate effectively with their teams.  

3. Tools and Channels for Effective Communication

Deskless managers operate in dynamic environments where access to communication channels like email or desktop tools can be limited. This makes mobile-first platforms, messaging apps, and instant communication tools essential for real-time updates. 

Companies using mobile apps for internal communication have seen an increase in engagement by 35% among their desk-less employees. These tools ensure that desk-less managers can access and share critical updates, schedules, and announcements with ease. Platforms that support multimedia content such as videos or images further enhance their ability to communicate important messages quickly and clearly. 

Incorporating these tools into their workflow makes it easier for managers to stay connected, ensuring they are well-informed and equipped to keep their teams engaged and aligned with company objectives.  

4. Gathering and Acting on Feedback

Deskless managers are in direct contact with frontline employees, making them a vital source of feedback for improving internal communication strategies. Regular surveys, pulse checks, and informal check-ins are useful in gathering insights on what’s working and what isn’t. 

According to a Harvard Business Review study, companies that actively collect and act on employee feedback see a 14.9% lower turnover rate. This is critical, as disengaged deskless employees often feel overlooked, leading to higher turnover. By acting on feedback from deskless managers, IC professionals can fine-tune communication strategies to meet the unique needs of frontline workers.  

For example, if feedback indicates that certain updates are too complex to relay, simplifying language or adding visual aids can enhance comprehension, ensuring better engagement across the board. 

5. Measuring Communication Impact

Tracking the success of communication efforts with deskless managers is essential for continuous improvement. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employee engagement, retention rates, and communication reach are valuable metrics to monitor. 

A report by McKinsey revealed that organizations with strong internal communication are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their peers. Measuring the effectiveness of communication with desk-less managers through engagement metrics—such as how often they relay messages, how many employees access the information, or the clarity of understanding—can give internal communication teams critical insights into their strategy’s success. 

By regularly measuring these KPIs and adjusting strategies accordingly, companies can improve not only communication effectiveness but also overall team performance and employee satisfaction. 

Addressing Communication Gaps with Technology 

Sparrow Connected is the go-to platform for organizations aiming to optimize internal communication, especially with desk-less managers and employees. Our mobile-first technology directly addresses the challenges faced by deskless managers, such as limited access to traditional communication tools and inconsistent message delivery. With Sparrow Connected’s real-time notifications, managers can instantly receive and relay critical information, ensuring messages reach frontline employees without delay.  

Key features like mobile accessibility and multimedia support (for videos, images, and documents) enable desk-less managers to easily access and share important updates, enhancing clarity and engagement. Sparrow Connected also integrates feedback tools such as surveys and real-time analytics, empowering internal comms teams to gather insights and adjust communication strategies based on actual performance. 

Additionally, our platform provides multilingual AI support and secure messaging, ensuring that communication is not only effective but also accessible to a diverse workforce, all while maintaining confidentiality where necessary. Our continuous investment in cutting-edge technology allows organizations to stay agile, address evolving communication needs, and improve employee engagement and performance. 

By leveraging Sparrow Connected’s comprehensive feature set, organizations can overcome communication gaps, align their desk-less managers with company goals, and create a more connected, engaged workforce. 

Final Thoughts

Deskless managers are critical to the success of internal communication, yet many organizations fail to prioritize effective communication with them. By evaluating current communication strategies, adopting the right tools, and continuously gathering feedback, internal comms pros can improve engagement and performance across their workforce. 

Start small, but stay consistent, and you'll see a significant transformation in your internal communications. To stay ahead of curve and learn the potential of your resources and drive real engagement across your workforce. Book a Free Coaching Session today and gain expert insights on how to elevate your internal communication to the next level. 


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