By Hamza Waqar on December 18, 2023
2 minute read

In a reality where digital interfaces are replacing meeting rooms, we can't afford to overlook the indispensable role of email in shaping our corporate cultures. A recent survey conducted by Emailtooltester paints a disturbing picture, spotlighting the urgent need for best practices and robust guidelines for virtual workplace communication. 

Misuse of digital tools such as email can fester a toxic work culture, a trend that we need to nip in the bud. The survey reveals nearly one-fifth of employees confessing to complaining about a manager or a colleague via email, with others admitting to using email trails intentionally as a means to put colleagues in unfavorable positions. 

As echoed by Robert Brandl, Founder of Emailtooltester, employees need to exercise discretion when choosing the language for work emails, avoiding content that they may not want to be seen or shared broadly. It's a matter of common sense, but one that is often forgotten in digital corridors. 

While this adherence to 'digital etiquette' is important, what’s crucial is the need for organizations to establish safeguards preventing the weaponizing of communication channels. Chris Lee,VP of Employee Experience at Gallagher, emphasizes having a broader strategy distinguishing the various channels available at your disposal and how they should be properly utilized. 

Gallagher’s State of the Sector report reveals, only 31% of employers reported having a framework for internal communication channels - a number that is particularly concerning given the sensitive data that these platforms frequently encounter. 

A formal policy defining appropriate use of communication channels may come across as restrictive; however, it can act as pivotal reference in instances of conflict, laying down clear consequences for employees who use these tools manipulatively. 

If we’re aspiring for a leadership model that’s transparent, accessible and respects the dignity of all employees, we need leaders to embody these communication best practices. Exercises in accountability prevent work-related issues from spiraling out of control, in the process fostering a mutually respectful and positive culture. 

Building a wholesome work culture is like nurturing a living organism. It takes time, effort, and a lot of care. Yet, the essence of it lies in embracing change - initiating conversations that are difficult, yet necessary, and transforming adversities into opportunities for learning and progress. 

Take these insights, adjust your internal communications strategy, and keep moving towards a better, healthier workplace. 

Remember, the culture of an organization is defined not just by its vision, but by each email, each conversation, each interaction - small or significant. At Sparrow Connected, we understand the art of cultivating positive communication cultures. Schedule a chat with us today to find out more. 

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BLOG POST TAGS: employee engagement sparrow connected workplace culture Healthy Communication Email Communication

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