By Sonam Faisal on August 27, 2024
4 minute read

Deskless workers are the backbone of the manufacturing industry. They represent a significant portion of the workforce, often working in challenging environments that demand accuracy, dedication, and teamwork.

Yet, despite their critical role, many of these employees feel disconnected, undervalued, and distant from their organization's core values and leadership. This disconnect poses a significant challenge for internal communication (IC) professionals tasked with fostering engagement and trust among this vital group.  

Recent data highlights the urgency of this issue. Deskless workers make up a staggering 80% of the global workforce, yet they often experience a 15% trust gap compared to their office-based colleagues, as reported by Edelman. This gap can lead to lower morale, reduced productivity, and higher turnover rates—issues that no manufacturing company can afford.  

So, how can IC professionals in the manufacturing industry address this trust gap effectively? The answer lies in implementing targeted, data-driven communication strategies that prioritize context, feedback, leadership visibility, and alignment with company values. 

1. Data-Driven Communication: Keeping Workers Informed and Engaged

Manufacturing environments are dynamic, and the notion that "work is an activity, not a place" is especially true for deskless workers who rarely occupy traditional workspaces. Out of sight should not mean out of mind. This workforce, 90% of whom link job satisfaction to regular, well-structured communication, requires personal, timely, and contextual touchpoints. 

Companies that have adopted a mobile-first communication strategy report an 18% increase in employee engagement. Implementing communication systems such as mobile apps or digital platforms can ensure that your deskless employees stay informed, involved, and motivated. These tools allow for real-time updates, access to essential information, and a sense of inclusion, even when employees are not physically present in the office. 

2. Emphasizing Feedback and Collaboration: Let Their Voices Be Heard

Engagement is more than just participation—it's about creating a culture where employees feel heard, valued, and integral to the company’s mission. In manufacturing, where frontline workers often have valuable insights and ideas, encouraging feedback and collaboration is crucial. 

An overwhelming 87% of employees believe that their involvement in providing feedback enhances their work experience, while 86% support collaborative decision-making processes. Establishing channels for open dialogue, such as virtual forums, anonymous feedback tools, or internal social networks, can help deskless workers in manufacturing feel more connected to the company's direction and decisions. 

3. Enhancing Leadership Visibility: Creating Authentic Connections

In manufacturing, where the physical and hierarchical distance between frontline workers and senior leadership can be significant, building authentic connections is key to bridging the trust gap. A staggering 96% of non-executive employees desire more meaningful interactions with their CEOs and senior leaders. 

An effective approach to increase leadership visibility is through an internal communications (IC) platform to facilitate interactive employee survey and feedback channel. The platform can host regular pulse surveys to gauge employee sentiment and identify areas for improvement. Leaders can review aggregated feedback and address key issues. Additionally, the platform can offer a dedicated communication channel where employees can submit questions or suggestions directly to senior leadership, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued. This transparent and responsive approach not only enhances leadership visibility but also fosters a stronger sense of trust and engagement across all levels of the organization.  

4. Living the Values: Aligning DE&I with Daily Operations

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) are not just buzzwords—they are critical pillars of a modern, inclusive workplace. For manufacturing companies, integrating these values into daily operations and internal communications is essential, especially when 61% of employees seek workplaces that reflect their personal values. 

Manufacturing companies must ensure that their messages, initiatives, and actions consistently align with their stated DE&I policies. Whether it's through targeted communication campaigns, inclusive language, or leadership initiatives, demonstrating a genuine commitment to these values can strengthen trust and loyalty among deskless workers. 

Your Partner in Effective Internal Communications 

Sparrow Connected is a reliable internal communications platform designed to empower organizations by enhancing communication, fostering collaboration, and driving employee engagement. With a focus on delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of today’s dynamic workforce, Sparrow Connected ensures that every message is meaningful, timely, and impactful. Whether you’re looking to keep your employees informed, amplify their voices, or align your operations with core values, Sparrow Connected has you covered. 

Keep Your Workforce Informed and Engaged 

Leveraging Sparrow's Data-Driven Communication Tools: 

  • Sparrow's analytics and insights feature helps in understanding trends and providing content insights across all channels. By making use of these analytics, companies can ensure their messages are data-driven and reach the right people at the right time. 
  • Through Segmentation & Targeting, Sparrow allows creating audiences by demographic data such as role, division, location, or tenure, ensuring personalized communication that is relevant to each segment. 

Create a Culture of Feedback and Collaboration 

Empowerment Through Integrated Feedback Strategies: 

  • The Interaction & Engagement feature facilitates not just broadcasting messages but also encourages a two-way conversation. Employees can share their ideas and concerns through reactions, comments, and more, making them feel heard and valued. 
  • Using Workplace Surveys & Polls, Sparrow allows organizations to gather feedback effectively, turning these insights into actionable steps toward collaboration and improvement. 

Enhance Leadership Visibility 

Launching Interactive Employee Surveys and Feedback Channels: 

  • Sparrow Connected's Workplace Surveys & Polls not only allow leadership to gauge employee sentiment but also offer a platform for employees to voice their concerns and suggestions, thus promoting transparency. 

Align DE&I with Daily Operations 

Ensuring Inclusivity Through Targeted Messaging and Templates: 

  • Multilingual support within Sparrow ensures that messages can be automatically translated into over 150 languages, embracing diversity and ensuring inclusivity by reaching everyone in the language they are most comfortable with. 
  • Customizable templates and Segmentation & Targeting capabilities allow for crafting messages that respect and address the diverse needs of the workforce, aligning closely with daily operations and making DE&I values an integral part of every communication. 

Building a Trustworthy and Engaged Workforce 

By leveraging these data-driven insights, IC professionals in the manufacturing industry can close the trust and engagement gap between their organizations and deskless workers. Implementing targeted communication strategies that prioritize real-time updates, feedback, leadership visibility, and alignment with DE&I values will help build a more engaged and loyal workforce. 

Ready to take your internal communications to the next level? Deepen your connections with deskless employees using adaptable communication tools like those offered by Sparrow Connected. Our solutions are designed to navigate the complexities of internal communications, ensuring that your deskless teams feel informed, valued, and engaged. 

Book a Free Coaching Session today and discover how we can help you transform your workplace engagement strategy. Let’s work together to build a more connected, engaged, and successful manufacturing workforce. 


What’s Next? 

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Internal Comms Connect (ICON) is a new Sparrow Connected free resource for pros like you. Join our internal comms experts as they share their experiences, success stories, and even failures, within the industry. Get insights and pointers anytime, anywhere.

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BLOG POST TAGS: Corporate Communications Comms Strategy Internal communications manufacturing sparrow connected

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