By Julie Ford on March 15, 2022
3 minute read

How To Finally Stop Creating and Re-Creating Your Internal Comms Content for Multiple Channels 

What if you could create your internal communications content once on a single platform and have it delivered to multiple channels? Sound too good to be true?

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not.  

You can stop creating multiple versions of the same content for different channels.  

But how? 

By using a technique to publish messages across all communication channels simultaneously. It’s called COPE, which stands for “create once, publish everywhere.”  

When you employ this technique, you simply write a message, select which channels to send to (Intranet, SMS, mobile apps, portals, Slack, email, Microsoft Teams, etc.) and click publish. What typically takes hours of rewriting, copy and pasting, and logging into different systems can be cut down to a few minutes of work with COPE.  

Our CEO, Chris Izquierdo, explains it well in this blog, Create Your Content Once and Maximize Your Distribution.  

Here’s what he says: 

Creating the same content, shaped for different platforms, is error–prone and time–consuming. All too often, the tools that are supposed to help us write once and publish everywhere don’t focus on that as a key feature. They quickly become burdened with tons of additional features and increased complexity, requiring us to revert to manually dealing with our various communication platforms one by one to get a message out.  

We know that not everyone in an organization consumes content the same way. Today’s workforce is multigenerational with varying degrees of digital literacy and a range of device and channel preferences. In many cases, workplaces are also increasingly global and multilingual.  

This means the number of channels you need to reach and engage employees on is only growing and expanding. So is the complexity of your content creation and distribution strategy.  

Meet Sparrow Connected

At Sparrow Connected, we strive to make your life easier. You, the communications professional, are at the center of our universe.  

Sparrow Connected is a modern, omnichannel communications platform purpose-built to help internal communications professionals reach and engage employees on the right channels, with the right messages, at the right time.

“Technology can help streamline operations, making it more efficient to deliver content to the right people at the right place at the right time. When you put computers to use doing what they do best, you free up people to do what they do best."  

  • CMI (Content Marketing Institute) 

It enables you to significantly reduce the amount of time you spend creating content multiple times for multiple channels. You create your content once and it's optimized and published automatically on many channels, including your: 

  • Intranet 
  • SMS 
  • Mobile Apps 
  • Portals 
  • Slack  
  • Email 
  • Microsoft Teams 

You can focus on creating your content in one place and leave the nuisances of publishing and scheduling to Sparrow Connected.  

  • Need to make sure a post is read? Mark it as mandatory. 
  • Only want your message to go to select audiences? No problem, simply select them. 
  • Need to deliver a message in a different language? We’ll automatically translate it for you. 
  • Want the post to be published later? Use the delayed scheduling feature.  
  • Need to ensure people explicitly click a box to say they have understood that policy update? We’ve got that too.  
  • Want to reuse a post from a few weeks ago? Clone it in just a couple clicks. 

Adopting a COPE technique and the Sparrow Connected platform will help you get the right message to the right people at the right time - and you can see the data to prove it. Our comprehensive analytics module helps you understand how the content you are producing is being consumed by your workforce.  

You gain detailed metrics on your content and its performance, including: 

  • Readability 
  • Grade Level 
  • Tone 
  • Sentiment 
  • Personalism 
  • Estimated reading time 
  • Language breakdown 

As well as its performance, including: 

  • Unique opens 
  • Complete reads 
  • Channel Breakdown  
  • Reactions 
  • Comments 

Continuing to create multiple versions of the same piece of content for multiple channels is simply not sustainable or scalable. More importantly, it won’t result in the employee engagement you're seeking, nor will you have the data to prove the impact of your internal communications efforts on company performance - making it more difficult to raise your profile and claim your seat at the executive table.


What’s Next: 


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BLOG POST TAGS: Corporate Communications Comms Strategy Internal communications Internal Comms workforce communication employee engagement Frontline communication communication strategy planning advice

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